Thursday, April 3, 2008


No, TED isn't a guy. TED is a conference that happens once a year to give some of the greatest thinkers of our time 18-minutes each to share their innovative ideas with the world.

One speaker in particular really moved me. In part because her story is so amazing, but also because her vision speaks to everything I believe. She is neuroanatomist Dr. Jill Taylor. Watch as she explains how tapping into the power of our right brain can transform our lives. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Saturday was my daughter Sophia's 10th birthday. Living in Los Angeles, of course we had a Hollywood Movie Party, complete with red carpet and plastic Academy Award, courtesy of The Party Store.

The next day, we celebrated my own birthday. How's that for timing! For my special day, we drove to the mountains. Although it was 85 degrees and sunny, the snow was just an hour away. I guess no one was thinking about snow on such a warm day, because we had the mountain completely to ourselves. Imagine the three of us -- my husband Bryan, Sophia and me -- having a private snowball fight at 7,000 feet.

When it came time to leave, my daughter said, "Wait one minute; I want to savor this moment."

As a parent, I sometimes wonder if the lessons I hope to teach my child will really get absorbed. In that one moment, I saw she got it. I deeply believe that appreciating what we have, no matter how small, is an important part of creating happiness, and she saw that too.

We stayed a little longer, then headed down the mountain to dine on birthday hamburgers. It was a perfect celebration. I'm savoring it.