Lots of people rely on expensive creams and elixirs to maintain their youthful looks. But the secret to slow and even reverse your physical age up to 16 years or more is likely to be found in an unexpected place -- your emotions.
It turns out people who know how to deal with life's inevitable stresses have better health, fewer wrinkles and less gray hair. In other words, their bodies are younger. If you'd like to slow your body's aging process using your emotions, try these tips.
3 Steps To Get Younger
1. Connect with Supportive People: This is the most powerful way to slow the aging process. Dr. Michael Roizen of the Cleveland Clinic suggests the physical anti-aging benefits of being with caring people can be up to 30 years! When you're dealing with hard times--whether a major illness or a family crisis--make sure to get the help of friends, family and organizations.
2. Avoid Aversion Thinking: When stress happens, we don't like it. That's when we use aversion thinking--wishing things were different--such as: "I hate this situation," or "I wish I had a better job." Instead, try accepting your situation, even if you don't like it, by saying, "Right now, this is what it is, so how can I make the best of it?" That doesn't mean you won't try to improve your circumstances, but you won't add to your stress by fighting with it.
2. Avoid Aversion Thinking: When stress happens, we don't like it. That's when we use aversion thinking--wishing things were different--such as: "I hate this situation," or "I wish I had a better job." Instead, try accepting your situation, even if you don't like it, by saying, "Right now, this is what it is, so how can I make the best of it?" That doesn't mean you won't try to improve your circumstances, but you won't add to your stress by fighting with it.
3. Meditation: When you're stressed, you often think of the future and everything that can go wrong like, "What will happen if I can't figure this out?" Meditation is a simple way to keep your mind focused on the present moment, the only place you have any real control in your life. Here's a simple meditation to help keep you grounded.